Positivity Rate Covid 19
https://kumparan.com/kumparannews/gawat-positivity-rate-corona-harian-indonesia-pada-1-januari-nyaris-30-1utVFiTWkXB?utm_source=kumApp&utm_campaign=share&shareID=q19vNIITzAKN Hari ini mendapat posting kiriman WAG yang sangat mengejutkan. Kasus positif Covid 19 di Indonesia mengalami kenaikan sangat signifikan mencapai 8.072 kasus per hari tepat di tanggal 01 Januari 2021.Sehingga total akumulasi kasus Covid 19 ada di angka 751.720 kasus hingga hari ini. Angka yang sangat fantastis. Apa itu positivity rate? Persentase kasus positif terhadap tes PCR pasien. John's Hopkins University: The percent positive is exactly what it sounds like: the percentage of all coronavirus tests performed that are actually positive, or: (positive tests)/(total tests) x 100%. The percent positive (sometimes called the “percent positive rate” or “positivity rate”) helps public health officials answer questions such as: What is the current level of SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) transmi...